


Opening Hours

Mon - Sat : 9AM - 5PM

If you are looking for a perfect de-stress therapy, what could be more relaxing than a head spa?

This rehydrating therapy can rejuvenate your mind and body by restoring vital oils and bringing back moisture to your hair. They include profound scalp messages which regulate blood flow to the neck, shoulders, jawline, and scalp, of course.

Brief explanation about how Lomilomi approached head spa.


A head spa is an excellent mini escape from a hectic lifestyle.

Traveling during the COVID-19 pandemic is a stress stimulator, so you really need soothing and relaxing activity to relieve the stress from traveling and the quarantine period.

It benefits tourists who reach their destinations after long flights and annoyingly more extended layovers. The fatigue doesn’t end here as they will be quarantined for a few days where they mess up with their brain with too much screen time.

If you are also going to experience this any soon, it’s better you check your destination for the best head spa to get rid of the stress and travel anxiety.            

Here are a few benefits of a head spa.       

  • Removes impurities and unclogs scalp pores
  • Controls Oil Production in the Scalp
  • Strengthens Hair Roots & Follicles
  • Stimulates Blood Circulation in the Scalp
  • Reduces stress

Head Spa in Oahu


The beautiful island of Oahu has so much to offer to tourists from around the world.

From the architectural perfection of the Iolani palace to swimming with fish in the picturesque Hanauma bay, you can enjoy every second of your stay on the Island.                    

However, managing so much as a time and constantly traveling from one destination to another can also trigger stress.

Persistent stress can potentially disrupt the trip, so take some time and head to Lomilomi head spa for the most refreshing and uplifting experience. Their head spa will not only cleanse and nourish your scalp but embellish your hair as well.

Treatment includes cleansing, scalp shiatsu, and conditioning the scalp and hair to make those silk strands shine even brighter as you wave off the stress and plan your next trip. They also offer other fantastic hair care services like Keiki haircut, Japanese straightening, and highlights.

If you are in Oahu, don’t miss out on this opportunity and book your appointment now to have a relaxing and revitalizing session amid your nostalgic trip. 

Call or text directly at 808-371-7949 (CHIE), or E-mail to for an appointment.

Mahalo. (Thank you)

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