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Mon - Sat : 9AM - 5PM

Lomilomi style head spa

Salons in oahu island of Hawaii that offer head spa and wellness services are frequently preferred today by those looking to move away from the stressful life to get purified with Lomilomi style. 

The luxurious Head Spa and Lomilomi style treatments will heal your hair and return it to its healthiest condition. The Lomilomi style Head Spa includes cleansing hair washes, head, and neck massage, followed by a nourishing treatment for best results.

Our spa salon is on the island of Oahu, Hawaii; we offer a new era of experience in one-stop-shop personal care services. Hair, head massages, and a variety of massage treatments to heal your pain, stress or simply get pampered in Tatsunosuke head spa.

Lomilomi head spa will make your spa and salon experience unforgettable. Provides satisfying services that will keep you pretty coming back again and again!

Head spa services in a hawaii salon near you.


Head Spa, a rejuvenating service comprising 10 percent blow-dry and 90 percent massage and treatment, is gaining speed as a must-have treatment in beauty salons. It is a service difficult to find in any neighborhood salon.

Few establishments salon in Hawaii dare to jump into the head spa area. Tatsunosuke Salon is very different in its approach from traditional head spas, one of the best in the business for navigating the seas with this stress reliever! As different as Tatsunosuke is from the rest, the business knows how to create high-quality, unexperienced treatments for its clients.

At Tatsunosuke Salon (, the owner takes advantage of her time in Japan, where head spas born and raise first. Like the Asia-based salons, the Tatsunosuke Salon performs its head spas on a flat shampoo chair like beds. While you lie on the lovely chair with a blanket and rest your legs, a spa attendant uses a scalp lense camera to assess which products are best for you.

A micro scalp lens zooms in to view your scalp health and helps the stylist decide on moisturizing products for dry scalp and damaged hair. In this way, each Head Spa adapts to the best for each client.

Thorough conditioned and massaged.


After this evaluation, you can close your eyes and fall asleep in pure relaxation, as you will be fully conditioned and massaged your entire head. Once your hair is rinsed and clean, a stylist will blow dry your hair so it can feel soft.

For Lomilomi head spa stylist CHIE, head spas aren’t just meant for special occasions. A head spa is an excellent way to get away from the day for an hour, finish with a perfect hairstyle, and get ready for your next meeting or date, says CHIE.

The Lomilomi head spa helps users see what was missing in Oahu, Hawaii. Lomilomi head spa is a blend of classic head massage techniques and old-fashioned salon style. Head spas start here with soothing aromatherapy for the senses. Immersed in a gentle scent of Pikake(Hawaiian flagrance) oils, it continues with a 15-minute massage that targets the neck, temples, pressure points, and scalp.

Where therapeutic healing comes from.


The spa has been a part of therapeutic healing and health maintenance throughout the centuries. The current spa was born from the ancient custom of taking the water in spectacular therapeutic baths.

Newer versions of ancient and Innovative treatments include the modern spa. As the industry undoubtedly continues to grow, today’s spa visitors often need a guide to the many professional services that are now available and advertised under the heading “Spa.”

Many believe that the early Polynesian settlers brought the healing arts from Lomilomi to Hawaii. In contrast, others believe it was deeply imbued with the practice of “living aloha,” a holdover from ancient and traditional Hawaii and the numinous land of Mu. The Hawaiian Lomilomi massage can also be called kahuna bodywork. 

Here are some healing benefits.


Lomilomi aims to treat the head and hair. It is thought to:

  • Assist blood and lymph flow
  • Release tension
  • Clean the scalp 
  • Stimulate toxins and eliminate waste 
  • Instill a sense of harmony, peace, and wellbeing.

In Hawaii, Classic Lomilomi massage is even used to treat uncomfortable children with upset stomachs and calm women during labor. A Lomilomi approach always aims to be the healing mediator so the healing can take place instead of claiming by healing himself. 

Why tatsunosuke Lomilomi head spa? 


Tatsunosuke is start becoming popular with customers as it is an added treat to its regularly scheduled spa style. It’s a great way to relax without going through the regular Frou-Frou spa experience out there. One customer says the Lomilomi style’s “simple, unlikely, and efficient.”

She is right. Just check around you; well-groomed people with tailored suits and gelled hair outnumber persons who wear shorts and slippers every day. Today, it isn’t uncommon for people to seek a pampering treatment that isn’t overly feminine or intimidating. And this is where Lomilomi head spa comes in. 

The Tatsunosuke head spa in Hawaii is a delight that always ends with an exotic blend of oils that is smoothed over the skin. This is something to take home. Apart from the use of mind-altering agents, this treatment is close to those who seek unexperienced happiness.

You will have a great time at the lomilomi head spa. A place that specializes in creating a customer experience with casual Hawaiian rituals.

Tatsunosuke’s new wellness concept further develops our renowned spa treatment, which aims to expand the intellect, awaken wonder, and awaken the necessary emotions for your well-being.

Contact us today for authentic head spa treatment you only find on the island.

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